List of Positive Words That Start With H
Best fifty positive words that start with H are given below
Under the table you also get origin time, meaning, and examples of these words.
1. Happy | 18. Honeyed | 35. Habitable |
2. Healthy | 19. Honor | 36. Hygienic |
3. Honest | 20. Hooray | 37. Heedful |
4. Holy | 21. Hospitality | 38. Heightened |
5. Harmonious | 22. Heartwarming | 39. Hello |
6. Handsome | 23. Hug | 40. Huge |
7. Hardy | 24. Humble | 41. Hallow |
8. Heritage | 25. Human | 42. Heartthrob |
9. Heavenly | 26. Hero | 43. Homage |
10. Helpful | 27. Harness | 44. Hedonist |
11. Hot | 28. Hard-working | 45. Handy |
12. Humorous | 29. Habit | 46. Hotshot |
13. Hope | 30. Hallmark | 47. Highlight |
14. High | 31. Host | 48. Hale |
15. Hilarious | 32. Have | 49. Heuristic |
16. Hearty | 33. Halcyon | 50. Happen |
17. Homely | 34. Harmless | 51. Halo |
With origin time, meaning and examples-
1.Happy (Adjective) (1300–50) Glad, pleased, satisfied, delighted, joyful, smiling.
Happy is the man who is living by his hobby.
He is truly happy who makes others happy.
2. Healthy (Adjective) (1545–55) In good health, hygienic, nutritious, well, fine, beneficial.
A healthy mind is in a healthy body.
A good healthy body is worth more than a crown in gold.
3. Honest (Adjective) (1250–1300) Morally correct, ethical, right-minded, truthful, trustworthy.
He has always earned an honest living.
He is a wise man who is an honest man.
4. Holy (Adjective) (before 900) Godly, saintly, spiritual, pure, blessed, religious.
To the children, their father’s study was the holy of holies.
These children are venerated as holy beings.
5. Harmonious (Adjective) (1520–30) Balanced, coordinated, matching, friendly, cooperative.
Their harmonious relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.
They can build a more harmonious society once inequality and exploitation are removed.
6. Handsome (Adjective) (1350–1400) Attractive, good-looking, elegant, hot, imposing.
Every mother’s child is handsome.
The handsome young man excited affection in a girl.
7. Hardy (Adjective) (1175–1225) Strong, fit, healthy, hearty, vigorous.
Most of the soldiers were hardy young men.
Hardy fans stuck with the team through good times and bad.
8. Heritage (Noun) (1175–1225) History, tradition, culture, customs, past, inheritance.
Folk songs are part of our common heritage.
The city has an exceptionally rich heritage of historic buildings.
9. Heavenly (Adjective) (before 1000) Holy, divine, godly, angelic, glorious.
It was a good party and the food was heavenly.
This place is heavenly.
10. Helpful (Adjective) (1300–50) Advantageous, useful, fruitful, beneficial, valuable.
An exchange of opinions is helpful.
Any helpful suggestions would be welcome.
11. Hot (Adjective) (before 1000) Very warm, passionate, spirited, lively, spicy.
The cool water felt lovely after being in the hot sun.
She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.
12. Humorous (Adjective) (1570–80) Amusing, funny, entertaining, comical, riotous.
It was a brilliant speech – clear, precise, and humorous.
The book takes a humorous look at parenthood.
13. Hope (Noun) (before 900) Optimism, faith, trust, belief, confidence, promise.
Without hope, the heart would break.
I hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
14. High (Adjective) (before 900) Tall, big, giant, strong, powerful.
If you don’t aim high you will never hit high.
Great winds blow upon high hills.
15. Hilarious (Adjective) (1815–25) Jolly, cheerful, sparkling, funny, uproarious.
There were hilarious scenes when the pig ran into the shop.
Life is full of ironies, some hilarious, some tragic.
16. Hearty (Adjective) (1350–1400) Wholehearted, genuine, real, true, warm.
A good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast worked wonders.
They gave us a hearty welcome.
17. Homely (Adjective) (1300–50) Unsophisticated, plain, natural, unrefined, modest.
The family photos give the room a homely touch.
Her mother is a homely woman.
18. Honeyed (Adjective) (1325–75) Sweet, pleasant, soft, agreeable, lyrical.
‘Of course, I love you, darling.’ she said in honeyed tones.
She spoke in honeyed tones.
19. Honor (Noun) (1150–1200) Respect, reward, virtue, fame, prestige.
One must show honor to one’s parents.
We all honor courageous people.
20. Hooray (Exclamation) (1686) Very happy, excited about something.
Hooray! It’s the last day of school.
Three cheers for the winner — hip, hip, hooray!
21. Hospitality (Noun) (1325–75) Warm reception, helpfulness, kindness, friendliness, welcome.
The local people showed me great hospitality.
You must allow me to repay your hospitality.
22. Heartwarming (Adjective) (1895–1900) Touching, gladsome, encouraging, soul-stirring, pleasing.
Is there a sight more heartwarming than a family reunion?
Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience.
23. Hug (Verb) (1560–70) Embrace, squeeze, hold someone tight, clasp, cuddle.
A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart.
She gave her mother an affectionate hug.
Hug your children and lavish them with love.
24. Humble (Verb) (1200–50) Modest, respectful, resistless, plain, simple.
Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud.
Many great men have arisen from humble beginnings.
25. Human (Adjective) (1350–1400) Mortal, kind, kindhearted, approachable, flesh, and blood.
Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness.
Only a truly free person has human dignity.
26. Hero (Noun) (1605–15) Brave man, ideal man, great man, winner, star.
One cannot always be a hero, but one can always be a man.
Everyone wants to be a hero, but no one wants to die.
27. Harness (Verb) (1250–1300) Apply, utilize, make productive, exploit, use.
We can harness the power of the wind to make electricity.
Scientists have known how to harness the limitless power of the sun.
28. Hard-working (Adjective) (1765–75) Energetic, industrious, keen, enthusiastic, laborious.
Genius only means hard-working all one’s life.
He is honest, sober, and hard-working.
29. Habit (Noun) (1175–1225) Style, practice, pattern, norm, custom.
Habit is second nature.
Regular exercise is a good habit for kids to develop.
30. Hallmark (Noun) (1715–25) Symbol, quality, characteristic, trademark, attribute.
One hallmark of a good politician is his ability to influence people.
A clear expression is the hallmark of good writing.
Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman.
31. Host (Noun) (1250–1300) Anchor, presenter, party-giver, announcer, entertainer.
A host of musicians will perform at the festival.
Our host greeted us at the door.
32. Have (Verb) (before 900) Own, be blessed with, consist of, contain, include.
Children have the qualities of their parents.
It is good to have some friends both in heaven and hell.
33. Halcyon (Adjective) (1350–1400) Happy, peaceful, joyful, successful, prosperous, flourishing.
She recalled the halcyon days of her youth.
I am owed and savor the halcyon times.
34. Harmless (Adjective) (1250–1300) Gentle, innocent, safe, inoffensive, hurtless.
It was just a bit of harmless fun.
The bacteria is harmless to humans.
35. Habitable (Adjective) (1350–1400) Usable, livable, inhabitable, in good repair, fit to live in.
They’ve done their best to make the house habitable.
The Sun is such a star, creating enough warmth to make a planet like earth habitable.
36. Hygienic (Adjective) (1825–35) Clean, sanitary, pure, healthy, unpolluted.
Food must be prepared in hygienic conditions.
Fresh skimmed milk with a hygienic package has a delicious taste.
37. Heedful (Adjective) (1540–50) Attentive, alert, aware, careful, mindful.
You should be more heedful of advice.
The heedful do not die, the heedless are like unto the dead.
38. Heightened (Verb) (1515–25) Enhance, increase, intensify, amplify, raise.
The enthusiasm of the audience was heightened by the climax of the play.
Day by day the structure heightened.
39. Hello (Noun) (1865–70) Welcome, greeting, salutation, used to express surprise.
Let’s go and say hello to him.
You didn’t remember her birthday? Hello!
40. Huge (Adjective) (1225–75) Enormous, giant, vast, very big, gigantic.
The movie will have to be a huge hit to recoup its cost.
Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon.
41. Hallow (Verb) (before 900) Holy, blessed, honored, divine, revered.
Pop music comes to the hallowed chamber.
She is a lady who is hallowed in the town.
42. Heartthrob (Noun) (1840–50) Sweetheart, passion, the heartbeat, typically a celebrity.
Always share things that will make you heartthrob.
Brad Pitt is a heartthrob for many young women.
43. Homage (Noun) (1250–1300) Respect, recognition, salute, honor, acclaim.
On this occasion, we pay homage to him for his achievements.
We pay homage to the genius of Shakespeare.
44. Hedonist (Noun) (1855–60) Pleasure lover, pleasure seeker, epicure, sensualist, voluptuary.
As a hedonist, I survive only for pleasure.
She was going to live every minute of the next three weeks like a hedonist.
45. Handy (Adjective) (1275–1325) Useful, skillful, easy-to-use, adroit, deft.
Always keep a first-aid kit handy.
A good tool-box is a handy thing to have in the house.
46. Hotshot (Noun) (1595–1605) Expert, master, genius, excellent, first-rate.
He’s a hotshot at archery.
She’s a hotshot broker on Wall Street.
47. Highlight (Noun) (1850–55) Apex, the best part, climax, summit, peak.
The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace.
Please highlight any terms that are unfamiliar to you.
48. Hale (Adjective) (before 1000) Healthy, well, fit, blooming, strong.
She’s still hale and hearty at 74.
They were Hale and Pace, to begin with.
49. Heuristic (Adjective) (1815–25) Discover, understand, by trial and error, encouraging a person to learn.
The instruments of Heuristic are being continually perfected, before our eyes, in two ways.
A prime example occurs during search with heuristic rules, in the choice of a rule from a conflict set.
50. Happen (Verb) (1300–50) Occur, develop, ensure, result, chance.
He does not care in the least what will happen in the future.
I was curious to know what would happen next.
51. Halo (Noun) (1555–65) Ring of light, glory, nimbus, radiance, crown of light.
She played the part of an angel, complete with wings and a halo.
When the sun shines through your hair it looks like a golden halo.
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